Please use the form below to request a non-urgent appointment. Please note that submitting an appointment request does not automatically secure an appointment. You will be contacted by a member of staff to confirm the date and time of your appointment.

Please note that Vaccinations and Cervical checks are only available afternoons from 1.30pm to 4pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Do not use this form in case of an emergency or if you need urgent care. If you require an appointment urgently please call us instead on 01 269 1876 (during opening hours), E-DOC on 01 223 4500 (outside of hours). If you have a medical emergency call 999 or 112.

1 Step 1
Appointment Request Form

Dr. Enda Ryan is available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday morning & afternoon for all appointments, and Wednesday morning for Male Health Screen ONLY.

Dr. Shalini O'Connor is available Tuesday mornings, Wednesday & Friday all day.

Dr. Kathrese Mockler is available Monday & Wednesday for both morning and afternoon appointments.

Dr. Aoibheann McNeill is available Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday for both morning and afternoon appointments.

Dr. Charlotte Collery is available Tuesdays and Thursdays for both morning and afternoon appointments

Nurse Olivia Kilmartin is available Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu until 4pm & Fri until 11am.

Preferred Appointment Time
€ [field25]
Stripe Card Placeholder

Opening Hours

Mon: 8am – 5pm

Tue: 8am – 5pm

Wed: 9am – 5pm

Thu: 8am – 5pm

Fri: 8am – 5pm

Sat & Sun: Closed


240 Merrion Road

Dublin 4, D04 CF74


FREE Parking

In case of emergency

Dial 999

240 Merrion Road, Dublin 4